Monday, December 04, 2006

Exploits of a Puppy Macer

For all of my life I have enjoyed the companionships of dogs. They are so cute and cuddly. However, for some reason, dogs seem to hate bicycles. Every time that we ride by a house with dogs, they bark and chase us. My heart skips a beat as I glance over hoping to see a fence or leash restraining the animal. More than a few lack such devices. You would think that we could just out run them. But our bikes our heavy and don't move that quickly, especially if the dog strikes on an uphill. Sometimes we yell out commands such as "Stop!" and "Bad Dog!" I have found that the most effective deterent is my most fierce bark or growl in return. This will usually get them to stop and turn back.
All this has changed recently. Erik has purchased some puppy mace, commercially known by the more genial name of "HALT." In his first attempt at using this spray, he almost fell off his bike. He has since refined his technique. No longer does he fear the barking beasts. Erik now slows his bike and calls the dog to him. He then aims his spray at the dogs face and laughs his full belly laugh as the puppy retreats a few feet before falling to the ground. Not knowing what hit him, the innocent little pup buries its face in the ground trying to rid itself of its burning eyes. We believe that the pepper based spray wears off after short time but have never stuck around to see. For now word seems to be spreading among the canine community to beware of the two wheeled blinder out travelling the roads of Florida.


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